SAM - Metabolic Analysis Service

You want :

  • Set up a metabolic analysis project
  • Quantitatively measure the water-soluble metabolite content of your biological samples
  • Interpret metabolic data
  • Be trained in various technical or scientific aspects of metabolic analysis

Metabolic Analysis Bordeaux

The Metabolic Analysis Service

can advise you in the development of your project both scientifically and technically.

can measure targeted metabolite(s) content or perform metabolic profiling of your samples.

can help you in the interpretation of these metabolic data. (Also obtained from other providers)

can train you in various methodologies and
interpreting your metabolic data.

This service only offers analyzes on water-soluble metabolites (see indicative list).

Prices: Free estimates. Prices on request.


  • A spectrophotometer for enzymatic assays
  • Two devices for the separation of water-soluble metabolites by liquid chromatography:
  • HPLC ICS5000 (Dionex/Thermofisher)
  • HPIC (High Performance Ionic chromatography) ICS3000 (Dionex/Thermofisher).
  • These two devices are coupled with automatic injectors and different types of detectors: Diode array spectrophotometers (DAD3000 and DAD3000RS). These two spectrophotometers make it possible to identify compounds by analyzing their absorption spectra between 190 and 600 nm.
  • A single wavelength spectrophotometer
  • A fluorimeter
  • An ammeter for the detection of sugars and amino acids without bypass


Scientific Directors

Benoît Pinson
Bertrand Daignan-Fornier

Technical manager

Benoit Pinson


Marie Charlotte Claverie

Alexandra Granger-Farbos
Stéphanie Vazquez


Institute of Cellular Biochemistry and Genetics
UMR 5095 CNRS/University of Bordeaux
1 rue C. Saint Saëns
CS 61390
F-33077 Bordeaux cedex France

Metabolic Analysis Bordeaux

Our team